The form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary. 在字典中按字母顺序排列的单词形式。
By analyzing the differences between L1 and L2 lexical entry, the thesis is to discuss the major problem that hinders the development of learners 'lexical competence. 本文对母语和二语词汇词条内部的差异进行了探究,认为二语词条内部的特殊性是阻碍学习者词汇能力发展的主要根源。
This is primarily because syntactic information is abundant in the lexicon resorted, to lexical entry. 词汇句法学的显著特征是:词库的词条包含了丰富的句法信息,句法构造由此投射而来。
Harmer's model 'Knowing a word' approaches the issue from outside the lexical entry, thus failing to provide insight into the formation of lexical fossilization. Harmer提出的模式(Knowingaword)从词项外部探讨了二语词汇习得,因而未能阐释词汇固化的形成。
Hence L2 lexical entry cannot develop naturally to the integration stage and L2 lexical knowledge cannot turn into lexical competence. 因此,二语词条的发展不能自然地过渡到整合阶段,致使二语词汇知识无法变成词汇能力。